TEXAS Airdates
As an FYI for everyone episode #198 of Texas was broadcast on both May 13 and May 14 making episode #199 May 15 instead of May 14. The same applies to Another World episodes when we get to those dates.
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For those of you who can't find the original post,here are the dates.................... According to the Brian V's summaries for Texas, Episode #168 did indeed air on Tuesday March 31, 1981 and was...
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Thanks to all the people who posted these. Too bad I didn't have them when I started burning them down to dvds. I would have been able to keep them going on my dvds Monday through Friday. Why doesn't...
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My best guess as to an answer for that question is that P&G is not providing AOL with the original broadcast date even though I am guessing it appears somewhere on the tape master they(P&G or...
View ArticleRe: TEXAS Airdates
I just updated the airdates through ep617,which was the final episode. If AOL stays with the 3 episodes a week format(which they probably will),I have estimated that it will take about 2 years to...
View ArticleRe: TEXAS Airdates
Since it looks like AOL is no longer posting episodes on Fridays,the updates are happening on Mondays,Tuesdays,Wednesdays,and sometimes Thursdays. I updated the airdate/update list to reflect...
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